Saturday, 20 July 2013

Pre-departure blog post

I'll be spending a couple of weeks from 22nd July to around 6th August working with Friends of the Street Children in Kitwe, Zambia. This has been arranged once again with the help of the wonderful AfID (Accounting for International Development). Here's a picture of me taken in a restaurant in Kigali on my last AfID trip:

Followers of my previous travel blogs will recognise that they have previously included the following themes:


Weddings - I seem to have arrived at my previous destinations during the wedding season, which is rather convenient and totally by chance. I haven't checked about the wedding season in Zambia. Maybe I will stumble upon it again...

Haircuts - I often like to get my hair cut abroad. People sometimes ask why. I think the picture says it all!

Illness - I seem to have a 50/50 chance of getting ill, usually on arrival or after I've come back. This time I'm slightly ill before I even leave. Hurrah! I have done no checks on how good the healthcare system is in Zambia - let's hope it's fine. However according to Wikipedia (which is always right!) Zambia comes 176th out of 193 countries for life expectancy. I hope I don't end up like the guy in the cartoon!

Lastly a thank you to the guys at Street Child Africa. Street Child Africa is a funder of Friends of the Street Children. I was arranging this trip very much at the last minute, and SCA stepped in to help with the costs of the flight, which would have been exorbitant otherwise.

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